Abel is saying that when we perceive things, we have to figure out what it means. Figuring out what it means is kind of like solving a jigsaw puzzle.
8. What is the role of social conditioning in determining how things "naturally look?"
The culture that one lives in helps determine how things naturally look. One example of this is Japanese art. Japanese are is often flat, but is still seen as realistic. However, somethings, like Egyptian art aren't perceived as realistic because of the way that the eyes are positioned.
9. What is the significance of the Durer rhinoceros story? How was the influence of convention demonstrated when some tribes were given the photograph?
The Durer rhinoceros story tells us that people's perceptions have a strong basis on what they have been told or seen prior, even if their original perceptions have been changed. The tribes were confused by what was going on, because they had no idea what it was.
11. What does Abel mean when he writes: believing is seeing? How might this point been seen in the study of natural and social sciences.
Abel is saying that when people see things, they believe them. This could be used in the studies of natural and social sciences by showing people things that are not real ans seeing if they believe them.