Sunday, January 8, 2012

Logical Fallacies

False Dilemma

A False Dilemma is when someone makes two statements and then one of them is discovered to be false, so the other statement must be true, even though it might be false.

An example of a false dilemma:

Either I buy a car, or I am going to have to get a ride from someone else.

False Dilemma Example

Appeal to Tradition

An Appeal to Tradition Fallacy is when something is declared to be better simply because it older.

Molly: I love my new iPod!
Emilie: I only listen to records, they are way better.

False Dilemma example

Appeal to Novelty

An Appeal to Novelty Fallacy is a fallacy that occurs because someone thinks that something is better simply because it is newer.

Appeal to Novelty Example

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