Friday, March 9, 2012

Machiguenga - Saving a lost language

Machiguenga is a traditional language of Peru. It is spoken by approximately 10,000 people, near Cuzco. The Machiguenga people live in Peru, and have done so since the days of the Inca. They live on the river Urubamba, and make much of their living from the surrounding mountains.
Information Sources (sorry they are in Spanish): Cuidad Archeo Logico, Inka Natura Tavel

Why save Machiguenga?
In Peru, there are many different groups of indigenous people. However, the majority of Peruvians are Mezicos, or a mixture of Spanish and Indigenous people. In this way, many traditions of the native people of Peru are lost, and one important way to preserve this is through language.
Information Source: EF Tour February 2012 Peru, Tour Guides, Washington and Omar.


This image shows a Machiguenga translation of the first chapter of Genesis in the Bible.
The Machiguenga language was first written down about 40 years ago, and some of the Machiguenga people are now graduating from tertiary education.
Information: A case study of the Manchiguenga of the Peruvian Amazon , Manchiguenga bible passage

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